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The Candidating Process

Guidance and support for those who are part of the candidating process for ministry


faq-icon1The assessment procedure

From the initial enquiry to the final assessment stage, find out what happens at each part of the process

faq-icon1Candidating & pre-assessment overview

Information about candidating for the ministry and the pre-assessment process

faq-icon1Discerning a call and equipping for service

Information for those discerning a candidate’s call to ministry and equipping them for service

faq-icon1Oversight and care of candidates

Find out what care and support should be provided to Candidates for Ministry

faq-icon1Assessment conferences

Find out what happens at an assessment conference and what’s expected of the assessment board


faq-icon1Guidelines for Church Meetings

Find out more about the role your church can play if a local church member expresses a call to the Ministry

faq-icon1Guidelines for Local Interviews

Guidelines and a checklist for those involved in Local Interviews on behalf of the Synod

faq-icon1Guidelines for Ministers

Find out what is expected of the Minister if a member of their local church wishes to candidate for the Ministry

faq-icon1Guidelines for Candidating Secretaries

Find out about the role of the Synod Candidating Secretary in the assessment process

faq-icon1Guidelines for Synod Moderators

Find out more about the role the Synod Moderator performs throughout the process of candidating for the Ministry

faq-icon1Guidelines for Synod Ministries or Candidating Committees

Find out what’s expected of Synod Ministries or Candidating Committees in the Candidating for the Ministry process

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